Nicole's Thrifting Tips...
1. Pick a thrift store in a decent area. They tend to be much more clean and organized. Sometimes the ones in the less upscale areas have more vintage items so don't write them off either. But deff. visit those earlier in the day and with a buddy (for safety reasons). Which leads me to number two...
2. Try to go as early as possible. It is much quieter and there has been less picked over than if you arrive late in the day. This is especially important on half off days, it is a zoo in there by 11:00, beat the rush!
3. Wear comfortable clothes! This is a long sometimes dirty process. You don't want to have a dust explosion on your favorite top.
4. Have a system, Thrift stores are usually large and very overwhelming. If you love dresses (like I do) Start at one end of the dress aisel and whip through them. I usually shuffle through them really quickly until something cute catches my eye.
5. Be able to see the bigger picture. That old, grey, grandpa sweater might look ridiculous to you at first glance. But, with a tight tunic, pair of skinny jeans, and some riding boots it might look pretty fabulous. Everything looks pretty grim inside the thrift store, but once you think of how it would look outside with a different outfit, or good washing your options completely open up.
6. Do not go grab happy. You are going to be very tempted to buy everything you see even if it isn't superrrr cute because of the price. If you are never going to wear that shirt, it doesn't matter that is was only $3 you are still wasting your money.
7. Check back often. They are constantly restocking at thrift stores. I always go back and check the dresses one more time before I leave. I once found an ADORABLE off the shoulder prairie dress because I went back and checked one last time on my way out, boy was I happy I checked!
8. Invest in a box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Trust me. A lot of the thrift stores mark their household items with some kind of grease marker/crayon thing which is sooo annoying and hard to get off! But the magic eraser works like well... magic!
9. Make sure all electronics work! If you are not planning on using your item just for decoration, plug it in. There are usually little stations that have plugs so you can make sure your stuff works. If your lamp doesn't light up the first time try swapping out the light bulb from another lamp. I can't tell you how many times it was just a dead light bulb.
10. Enjoy yourself! Thrift stores are very hit or miss. Some days I come out with an entire cart of loot and other days I wind up with nothing. Don't get discouraged it's all part of the fun!
Finally, Here is it is Gabby and I's Thrifting Adventure....
Here are some of the goodies up close...
Floral Robe $3.50
Yellow/Golden Shrug $2.50
Floral Skirt $3.50
Orange Candle Stick Holders $1.20 for the pair
Composer Busts $ .80 each
Model Ship $3.13
Fringe Lampshade $2.12
Lamp Base $3.00
Hope you enjoyed that and are inspired to go see what you can find at your local Thrift store!!!
loving these tips! i am thinking we need to go on a thrifting adventure of our own! you could teach me a lot. :)
ReplyDelete- juliet
yes! we deff. do! a headband making/photo taking/ thrifting day!!