I loove the Ardent Sparrow! Rebecca has the most beautiful pastel jewelry in her shop. She even has tons of pieces with my favorite color combination (pastel pink and teal). This first ring below is my absolute favorite. I really want to buy everything! I could see a ton of these accessories fitting in great with my already pastel/lacy/dreamy wardrobe. I also love that she is from Canada!! Isn't it great that we can purchase handcrafted items from all over the world?! One of the many reasons I love Etsy! To visit this adorable shop click HERE.
I know this is a day late but like they always say, better late then never. I don't know who that proverbial "they" is but in this case I agree with them. I had so many things starred in my Google Reader I had a hard time narrowing these Friday Finds down. Here are the ones that made the cut, enjoy!!
1. Flower Headband [source] Oh my goodness how beautiful is this headband?! I can't tell if the flowers are real or not... I don't think so though. Either way I really want to make one!
2. Wall of Suitcases [source] I looove this wall of suitcases so much. If I could afford to have a custom suitcase wall built in my room I would do it in a heartbeat.
3. Owl Print [source] This print is actually used on a lunch box, and I looove it! I would actually buy the lunch box if 1. I could find out if they shipped to the US and 2. If I didn't already buy the cutest elephant lunch box.
4. Sherlock Holmes' Apartment [source] I know you guys already know how much I love Sherlock Holmes. Which is why I absolutely love this print of his apartment! How cute would this be framed on my wall?!The answer is super cute!!
5. Cute Carousel [source] I loooove the carousel! It is my favorite ride at the fair... well maybe it is tied with the Ferris Wheel... I don't particularly love it for it's speed but more for it's beauty (and cuteness). I have seen this specific carousel on a couple of blogs and I absolutely loooooove it!! I am pretty sure it is in France, guess I just need to make a trip there now...
6. Birdhouse Wallpaper [source] Yes, I am a sucker for cute wallpaper. When Is saw this birdhouse wallpaper I fell in love. I don't know what room I would actually want to put it in, but I do know I want it!!
7. Cupcake Print [source] I love cupcakes and cute prints. Making this adorable print one of my new favorites. Sara Olmos is an awesome graphic designer from Rome, and thankfully she sells her art on Etsy so all of us in the US can snag some of her adorable prints.
8. Bedroom Makeover [source] This before and after is amazing! I love love love the butterflies, too cute! You haveee to click the source link and check out the before, what a big difference!
9. New Penguin Classic Covers [source] I am that person, the one who buys things almost solely on their design/how cool they look. I guess that explains my chosen profession (Graphic Design). And these covers are adorable!! I can't wait till they come out I want them all!
10. Owl Purse [source] Cutest owl purse ever!! Too bad you can only find it in Italy... I guess I just haveeeee to make that trip to Rome now. Actually, it wouldn't be such a bad idea for me to visit my Motherland...
Grace Kelly and Cary Grant, really do I need to say more? With this much beautiful in one movie it almost doesn't matter how great it is. Thankfully it is fabulous!! This is one of Hitchcocks later films and is even in color (once again for you color lovers). The premise is... Cary Grant is an "ex" jewel thief who is supposedly being wrongfully accused of a string of high class robberies. Apparently someone is copying his previous technique, ruining his new clean record and good name. Grace Kelly is the daughter of wealthy women who Cary is using as bait for the "copy cat" burglar. Problem is can Kelly trust him, or is he really just after her mothers jewels? Hitchcock of course does a great job keeping you guessing till the end, and of course throws some romance in there as well. But seriously who could resist Cary??? Yes, I may have a little crush...
Every September my mom, sister and I take our yearly trip to the fair! We started this tradition 3 years ago and I could not be more excited that we did. It is always just the 3 of us (we would let Dad come but he is usually working) and we always have a blast. We go on the same rides every year, take pictures in the same places and eat the same funnel cake. And it never gets old!! We really love our tradition and are trying to start some more for every season (we also go pumpkin picking together, which is in October and I really can't wait). Anyways, here are our pictures from the fair! Do any of you have fun traditions for different holidays/ seasons??
Does anyone else love Cath Kidston as much as I do?! I am completely obsessed with her floral patterns!! Cath Kidston is the founder and owner of this amazing shop based out of the UK. She has amazing floral everything and I seriously could buy every single thing she creates! (I would love to get one of her messenger bags one of these days). Thanks to the internet us US residents can order some of her great stuff, only catch is the extra cost to get our orders across the pond (and the exchange rate kills me too). One day I will bite the bullet and just order something. But until then at least my desktop can sport some of Cath's adorable prints. You can actually grab some free desktop backgrounds right from her site! Just click HERE.
I have Friday Finds for you!!! I really enjoyed doing this weeks and hope you love them too! I will really try to keep them up every week as much as possible. I am actually off to do some homework right now... enjoy!
1. Marie Antoinette Print [source] Love this print! I may have a slight obsession with Marie Antoinette... Ever since I did that project on her in 5th grade, I have been in awe (I covered my board in stings of pearls oh, it was awesome). Not really into her politics... more of her style. 2. The Complete Sherlock Holmes [source] I may have mentioned this before, but his is my absolute favorite book of all time. I received a version of this book for Christmas when I was around 13 and I read through it in one week, I could not put it down!! I absolutely love Doyle, and when I saw this beautiful edition at Barnes and Noble I was so excited (makes a great gift)!
3. Duchess Ring [source] You are seeing a theme through this post aren't you... completely unintentional! Seriously how cute is this ring?! I really love every single thing in Beatrice's shop, adorable!
4. Marie Antoinette Background [source] More with the unintentional theme... I was so excited when I found this picture! Not only is it gorgeous and from one of my favorite movies but, it is also big enough to make my desktop background... and that is where it is right now!
5. Anthro Booties [source] These adorable boots are everywhere! Whether you are in Urban or Target you will find versions of these little lace up booties. I am actually really glad they are in because I have been looking for a pair while thrifting foreverrrr but they are never in my size!
6. Mrs. Press Clothing [source] Love these cute pastel clothes from the Sydney designer Mrs. Press. Everything is made in limited quantities and sold at a small boutique. A lot if items include vintage touches, everything is really beautiful!
7. Knit Headband [source] How cute is this?! I have wanted a cute knit headband/head warmer... not quite sure what to call them... and this one is my favorite I have found so far, looks even better then the Anthro one I was looking at!
8. Cute Wedding Guests [source] I know weddings are all about the bride, but I really love when wedding guests dress well. I know you have seen those pictures of random wedding guests while flipping through photos that really make the wedding. They add to the beauty/charm of it and I think they should be commended, good job guys!
9. Everything Style Blog [source] I LOVE Shae and her awesome blog. She has the best vintage style ever, and is an aspiring photographer just like me! She of course has a lot more photographically under her belt then I do, but it is really nice to see someone else striving for the same thing I am.
10. Charlie Chaplin Engagement Shoot [source] This may be the cutest/most creative engagement shoot I have ever seen! They really nailed the Charlie Chaplin theme. Not only in costumes, but in a truly comedic feel which is perfect for this type of shoot. Absolutely lovely!!
Sorry for the lack of posts!! Every time you see less posts from me know that I am having a tough work week at school, and wishing I could update the blog but having to do home work instead. Yuck! I am not liking my homework in the least bit. I feel like every aspect of graphic design that I do not enjoy is what we have been harping on. Don't get me wrong, I love graphic design, but kerning for hours is not my idea of a good time... Anyways, I went thrifting yesterday and found a ton of cute things!! It was really a spur of the moment thing (I had to go to the post office nearby and thought I would just stop in). Boy am I glad I did! I found a bunch of stuff for the Etsy shop (even a gorgeous 60's prom gown eeeek so cute!). I will be listing all of it in a couple of days, promise. I figured I would share with you some of the stuff I am keeping for myself because it is just too darn cute to part with...
1. Cute little owl figurine for my ever growing collection!! 2. Durango Boots! My best shoe find ever! Soo sturdy and in excellent condition! 3. Pink polka dot skirt in the prettiest pastel pink ever! 4. An adorable floral blazer, I just can not pass a good one up...
I LOVE Tim Walker. He is a brilliant photographer and one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. He is a British photographer who uses fantasy like props to help create a charming and visually beautiful composition. Sometimes he uses over sized objects or sets up ridiculously surreal scenes. His photos have a beautiful dream like feel which I absolutely love. They are very imaginative and completely stunning. He primarily works in fashion photography and you may have even seen his pictures in issues of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. I would LOVE to have a copy of his book Pictures, but it is a little out of my price range at the moment. Thank goodness for the internet...