I LOVE this movie! I don't think I can pick a favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie, it's like asking a parent which their favorite child is... It is just wrong! But this one if def. up there. I absolutely adore Gregory Peck (seriously he is so dreamy) and I can't get enough of Ingrid Bergman. She was such a beautiful talented actress! In this film Bergman plays a young psychoanalyst at a mental hospital. Peck plays a young doctor (Dr. Edwardes) being sent in to replace one of her older colleagues. Not too long after taking his new position it is very evident that there is something wrong with Peck. It is even believed that he is not really Dr. Edwardes and that the real doctor may be missing and even dead. The only problem is Peck's severe case of amnesia. He can't seem to remember what happened to Edwardes, but he does continually get flashes and dreams that prove to be great clues to his disappearance. Bergman of course swoops in to help Peck recover his memory, falling in love with him along the way. This really is a terrific movie, make sure to look out for the dream sequence that was designed by the amazing artist, Salvador Dali.
I love the prints in this Etsy Shop! They are so cute and whimsical, I just want them all (especially this very first one with the mustache)! Nan does a great job of incorporating adorable quirky characters into her amazing illustrations. I especially love that she does custom portraits. They are usually of precious couples (the last four in this post are commissioned work). She also includes some original characters like these first four portraits. How awesome is her "I'm not a hipster I just dress like one" illustration?! I completely agree with that one! I sometimes dress like a hipster, but I def. am not one. First of all I don't smoke, and second of all i don't have a bearded boyfriend who wears Buddy Holly readers... Not that I would mind one of those... To check out the rest of her work click HERE.
Look! It's Friday Finds!! Sorry they have been missing the last couple of weeks. Schools been well, school. I thankfully have a photography class which makes it a little more bearable. Who doesn't like take photos for 5 hours? Yes... it is a 5 hour class... I have tons of projects I am already working on. One of them being a self portrait made of type, yeah not so easy... If you follow me on twitter you have already seen a peek of that. When I am all done I will put it on here. Until then here are some Friday Finds, enjoy...
1. Pastel Bridesmaids [source] Cute bridesmaid dresses alert! I have mentioned before how much I appreciate when brides pick out unique and even vintage bridesmaid dresses, and I especially appreciate when they are pastel! I am obsessed with pastels! And blush pink!! OH I just love it!
2. Tea Cup Collection [source] How adorable is this?? I am almost inspired to start my own tea cup collection. Like I need another thing to collect (owls and model ships have already taken over my room I don't even know where I would fit tea cups). Oh well, for something this cute I could make room!
3. Couple Illustration [source] Love! Love this! Not only is this a beautiful illustration, but how cute is this couple?? I am about to go braid my hair and stick a giant pink flower in it. Sooo cute!
4. Ruffle Socks [source] I think sometimes the little details make the outfit. These socks would be an example of just that. How could these adorable socks not be in my wardrobe?
5. Mustache Necklace [source] Love this necklace! I especially love that she combined two things I love, mustaches and embroidery. Beatrice has some adorable stuff in her shop, as well as a great blog where she has some really cute outfit posts.
6. Adorable Dishes [source] I love a well designed dish. I have a hard time resisting grabbing every pretty dish I see when I am thrifting. So of course when I saw this I fell in love. These really are some adorable dishes, click source to check the rest of them out!
7. Spool Decoration [source] I really love when stores take the time to design and decorate well. Anthropologie does a GREAT job of this. This is not an Anthropologie store, but doesn't it look like something they would do?? Adorable!!
8. Camera Lens Mug [source] Seriously loooooove this! I say that about everything don't I... Being somewhat of a photographer I really appreciate the novelty of this mug. It looks exactly like a camera lens, but you can sip coffee out of it! I am pretty sure I need one...
9. Notebook Engagement Shoot [source] When I first saw this shoot I actually thought it was Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling. But, no it is indeed a couple being shot for their engagement photos. I really applaud the photographer and whoever else made this shoot happen it really looks great!
10. Kling Clothing Line [source] I know I have included Kling photo shoots in Friday Finds before, but they are just so darn beautiful i had to add another! Seriously cute clothes, seriously cute photos.
OK guys, I officially have a new obsession, model ships! Maybe I should rename the blog "The Brown Owl Goes to Sea" OHHH, I kind of like that! I guess you can say this all started when I thrifted that awesome model ship not too long ago. I really have always loved ships, especially drawing them. Possibly because I really like drawing waves, tons and tons of swirls everywhere! Swirls are kind of my thing, my artwork and designs are filled with them. I also love ships because I think they feel kind of magical. Maybe I have watched Peter Pan one too many times, but I always imagine them as ways of getting to any wonderful, magical place you could want to visit. Maybe that sounds silly, but either way I am completely in love with these beautiful "magical" vessels!
OK, first of all major apologies I have been a terrible blogger lately. School has just started and it is already kicking my butt! I am taking three classes (Type I, Design II, and Photographic Imaging) and I really do like all of them, it's just a ton of work. I always laugh when people scoff and say art classes are so easy. Not only is art subjective (I can get an A from one teacher a D from another on the same exact project) but it also takes much more time then say, a page of Algebra problems. In Algebra 1+1=2, but in art class there are no set factual answers, it can really be anything. Trust me, that is not always so freeing. It sometimes makes projects incredibly stressful because, you don't know exactly what your teacher wants and they are not always so willing to tell you either (sometimes I think they get some weird enjoyment from watching you try to guess what they really want). Besides all of that, the actual project takes a lot of time and work, your not just throwing out equations you are creating entirely new ideas and creations. I actual have a friend that said she spent much more time on her Drawing I homework then her advanced business classes. And she is very artistic, it was not because she had to overcompensate or anything. Alright, that's enough of my "Art is just as challenging and important as any other major rant." Also, let me clear up the case of the missing "Wore It" posts. I really was not liking the format/feel of them, so I have decided to hold off until I have completely settled on a look for them. I will def. get to them, promise.
Now, on to the real reason for this post, this ADORABLE owl mug set! I have wanted one of these owl mugs for as long as I can remember. I have always been hoping and praying that one of these days I will stumble upon one in my thrifting adventures, but no luck yet. I probably should just suck it up and buy one for $8 on Etsy. I guess the thrill of the thrifting hunt just seems more special/exciting to me. If I ever found a set like this, I think the Value Village workers may need to pick me up off the floor, because I would literally faint. I would def. scoop this set up now if it was just a little cheaper... Check it out HERE.
Breaking news: I got a new headband! OK, so not so breaking news, but I thought I would do more of an original post because I am usually just telling you all about other people and their lives/creations and not my own. I got this headband on sale at Urban yesterday, which is kind of funny because I make headbands for a living. Butttt sometimes I like other people's creations too and I can only wear my flower headbands so many times a week. I start school again tomorrow which I almost can not believe, summer went so fast... I am semi excited but I am sure that will wear off once I have 4 projects due on the same day. At least I will be back to drawing. It is kind of sad but when I am out of school I do a lot less sketching. I think because it is forced upon me all year, it makes it seem a little like a chore and I need a break. That sounds completely terrible, I really do love drawing... Anyways, sorry these pictures are so ridiculous, I guess once that little green light goes on I some how think I am trying out for the next cycle of America's Next Top Model, "I am not here to make friends!!!" Ohhh Photobooth...
P.S. I haven't shared any music in a while, I have been listening to this song on repeat lately, I really want to see Eat Pray Love soon :)
In case you couldn't tell I have a slight obsession with florals. I don't know what it is that makes me love them sooo much. Maybe it's how delicate and cute they are. They scream girly and I love it! So, when I saw these shoes I fell in love!! They are a little on the high side and I would probably be 7ft in them but they are just so stinkin cute!! I would prob. pair them with a more neutral outfit and let them be the star of the ensemble. I always admire people who mix patterns well, but I just don't think I could pull it off. Anyways here is yet another expensive item to add o my want list! To purchase these adorable shoes click HERE.
I absolutely adore this Etsy shop. You may remember the large pink bow from a previous Friday Finds, little did I know then just how many cute things where in this shop (I believe it was on vacation when I posted that Friday Finds). Hopelessly Devoted has tons of cute bows, collars and sweet little things that could def. help cuteify your wardrobe. Everything in the shop is super charming and has a very soft, vintage/dreamy feel to it. My favorite will always be that giant pink bow, but I also really love their little peter pan collars as well. This shop is based out of Australia and has even more great items to choose from. To visit the shop click HERE.