This movie is terrific! Not only does it have Ingrid Bergman (another of my favorite actresses) but it has a super interesting plot. It is another murder mystery, which you may or may not figure out by the end. But don't worry! Even if you do, the movie will not be spoiled at all. The story is basically: Ingrid Bergman's character's famous Aunt is killed, and she is sent away from the home she used to share with her. Later in life she meets a dashing, charming young man who marries her and takes her back to live at her Aunt's abandoned home. It is not the best choice of living arrangement, seeing as her Aunt was murdered there, but she reluctantly agrees to her new husbands wishes. While living there she believes she is beginning to go crazy; she forgets where she puts things, hears strange noises, and even sees the gaslight go up and down. The entire story leads up to a fabulous ending where you find out if she is truly going crazy or not. I promise you will love this movie!!
Seriously, how cute is this Anthro bathing suit??? I am completely obsessed with florals and beyond ecstatic that all of my favorite stores are embracing this print lately. I especially love the dark navy blue florals. The contrast of the blue, red and yellow is just gorgeous!! I doubt I will be getting this suit anytime soon because it is completely out of my price range, but I can hope... for a sale!!
Cari Ann is one talented young lady. Most of her photographs are self portraits, and honestly I think those are some of the most difficult to pull off. I found her Flickr once again on Myspace when I was younger and I have followed it ever since. A lot of Cari's photos are taken in abandoned houses and local places she finds. I think there is a very distinct look to her photos; kind of grungy but still beautiful. Does that make sense?? She is also another young photographer and I believe she was even self taught. Either way I think she deff. has a successful future in front of her! For her Flickr click HERE.
It's Friday, and we all know what that means, Friday Finds!! I feel like Fridays are the only days I really share what I have been up to for some reason. Either way, I have been doing the usual school and work. I got a bunch of great stuff to work on today for the shop. Depending on how these work out be looking for some new stuff in the shop very soon (earrings, necklaces, belts, pins, and more!!) I am so excited to begin on these and I really hope you like them too!! In other news, I am not sure if I am going to keep up the blog. I know, I know. It is just a lot of work with everything else I have going on. We'll see. Anyways, I hope you are all having a great day, and I hope you enjoy your weekends. I know I will, I am going to a wedding!!
1. Swedish Wedding Party [source] I LOVE the pictures from this wedding party! It looks almost magical and surreal. The girl in the beautiful pink dress was the one getting married, and the pictures are actually from her blog. She lives in Sweden, and I have never been there, but if this is how they do all of their celebrations I want a one way ticket! Everyone is dressed up in such gorgeous vintage dresses, seriously you need to check out the whole party!! 2. UO Floral Dress [source] When I saw this dress at Urban I instantly wanted it!! They didn't have my size in stock so I made my sister try it on so I could see how it looked. Yeah, it was just as adorable on!! I actually don't think I will be able to get it for a couple of reasons 1. the price!! and 2. the length (i am 5'9 and this was deff. short on my 5'4 sister).
3. Cute Print [source] I feel like I have seen this print everywhere lately. I did a little research, and apparently it originated back during World War II. It was a propaganda poster created by the British government in case the Nazi's succeeded in invading Great Brittan during Operation Sea Lion. I have no idea what Operation Sea Lion is, but I don't think they succeeded. Needless to say the poster was never distributed and was just recently rediscovered.Is it just me or does Operation Sea Lion sound like a band name??
4. Wardrobe Shoot [source] I have always wanted a picture in front of one of these awesome trains. Actually I do have one from when we visited Reading PA when I was younger but that doesn't really count. Not only is this girl standing in front of this amazing train, but she is wearing an adorable outfit to boot! Tieka does some great wardrobe posts on her blog, check them out!!
5. Indie Rock Coloring Book [source] Do you love coloring? Do you love Indie Rock? Then this is the coloring book for you! I love this sooo much!! It is like an awesome coloring book for grownups, why should kids get all the fun??
6. Rosette Bedding [source] I want this bedspread more than anything in the world!! OK, that was a tad dramatic but you get it, I am in love with this bedspread!! I loveee rosettes which has become a big problem lately because of their growing popularity. I am tempted to buy so many more things now!
7. Fine and Dandy Vintage [source] One of my favorite bloggers has opened up a new vintage shop, and I absolutely love it!! I want at least 10 things in the shop already. Everything is gorgeous and in great condition. Check it out!!
8. Camera Tape Dispenser [source] I love vintage cameras, and I love tape. Therefore this vintage camera tape dispenser is right up my alley!! I could literally look on Fred Flare all day they really have the greatest stuff!
9. State Shirt
[source] I am not sure if I should be advertising that I am from Jersey, especially down here in the South. But it is true, I am from Jersey, the shore to be exact, but thanks to MTV I've been trying to downplay that lately. Deep down I really do love every smelly inch of my home state, and yes that was my cousin was on Jersey Shore, seriously he was!!
10. Father's Day DIY [source] Father's Day is just around the corner, but there is still time to make him this adorable DIY. How great is it to incorporate the quintessential dad gift, the tie. I love it!!
How I found this photographer is actually a little funny. Remember way back when Myspace was cool, and updating your layout and profile picture was what you did instead of your homework? Well I do too! This was when I found Becky Filip's Myspace page. I guess you could have called her Myspace famous?? I am not sure if that's the correct term or not but she had a whole lot of friends and a whole lot of fabulous pictures! She was in a super cool band and dressed in super cute vintage clothes. Anyway, Simon is her brother and takes amazing pictures of not only her, but everything! He is not that old and already has so much talent! I think I tend to like the younger photographers on Flickr because alot of them are self taught and not worried about the technical end of photography. They go with their natural talent and instincts which in my opinion looks better then the "trained" professionals. For his Flickr click HERE. Here are a peek at some of his awesome pictures...
I don't know about you, but I sometimes get overwhelmed with the amount of information out there. I feel like I can spend my entire day looking at blogs and before I know it it's time to go to work or bed and Bam! my entire day has been blown. I've heard about Google Readerbut never really bothered with it since blogger has the News Update on the Dashboard. So, I finally broke down and gave reader a try, and I love it! I have organized my favorite blogs in a "Everyday Looks" folder so I can go straight to these each day, and take a look at all my others when I get the chance. Reader also shows you the entire post right there, you don't even have to go the the person's blog you are looking at. It does not look as creative this way, but odds are you have memorized what their creative background looks like by now and can use your imagination. I also think I am going to start scheduling the amount of time I am allowing myself to be on the internet. Which almost sounds ridiculous to me, I always thought that was a weird thing to do but I get it now! Anyways, I hope this was as helpful to you as it was to me!! Here's a peek at what my Reader looks like...
I will always love Forever 21. Yes, I know their clothes are not the highest quality buttttt they deff. are affordable!! I'm not gonna lie, if I could shop at Urban and Anthro with an unlimited amount of money I would do it in a second. But, since that is not really an option of mine right now I will gladly settle for F21 (at least for some fill in pieces). They are usually hit or miss. Sometimes I have to sort through the neon fishnet mini skirts that people should not be allowed to wear out of their bedroom let alone in public to find something decent. So imagine my (delightful) surprise when I left there the other day with two full bags of adorable floral and pastel finds!! They really have some great stuff in stock, I even got a couple of the clothes pictured below... $24.90 $22.80 $15.80 $19.80 $29.80 $24.80 $19.80 $17.80 $27.80 $24.80
I have been in need of a good black bag for a while. I always tend to get brown or tan bags and wear them with everything. I guess brown goes with most outfits, but I really do want a cute black bag, just cause. That being said, this bag from Spotted Moth totally fits the bill. I love the studded detail on the bottom sooo much!! I saw this bag a couple of days ago and have not stopped thinking about it so.... I think this means I should get it!! With logic like that how can a girl go wrong??
P.S. here are some of the Passion Pit pictures!! They were awesome! BTW Gabby and I are now fighting over who is going to date Michael (the lead singer) he is sooo cute!!
Hey guys!! Let me catch you up on what I have been doing lately... My life has pretty much been school, work, sleep, and repeat lately. We all know taking summer classes will do that to you. In my little bits of free time I have been working on my "Brown Owl" studio. I am proud to say I have conquered the Ikea furniture and my desk and shelving unit is up!! I can't take all the credit though, I did enlist the help of my Dad and a trained professional, but that was only for minor help I swear! I will post pictures of how it is coming soon. It is in the "raw" stages if you will, because I have not gotten a chance to decorate yet, which I can NOT wait to do!! That has been what the bulk of my time has been going to. As soon as it's done I am going to go in there, shut the door, and not come out till I have made at least 20 headbands! I have some new colors I am going to work on, and some new accessories, even some home accessories!!! So stay tuned for that! I would love to get my headbands out there more, does anyone know of good craft fairs in North Carolina?? We don't get the super cool Renegade Craft Fair here or anything so I'm not sure what to do about that... Anyways, I think I'm going to let you look at these Friday Finds now, enjoy....
1. Cupcake Decorating Set [source] How cute is this?? Maybe it is because of my last post that i am on this ballerina trip, but I love these!! I love the combination of the floral cupcake papers and the pastel ballerinas. These would deff. look great on the table at a party.
2. Accessories Photo Shoot [source] I love this photo shoot for the Hopelessly Devoted Etsy Shop. I really want to get the headband pictured above!! It is so vintage and super cute! At this moment the shop is on vacation so I can not wait to look when it returns!!
3. Camera Collection [source] I have always wanted an awesome vintage camera collection. Since I love photography so much, and even do a little on the side, I thought it would be the perfect thing to collect and display. Mine is very small so far, so seeing this collection is great inspiration to look for some more!! 4. Color Profile Necklace [source] If you are a graphic design nerd like me, or even just love using Photoshop you will flip over this necklace! CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) which refers to the inks that are used in some colored printing. Most designers have to set their documents in this color profile if they want to print what they have correctly. Seriously, a very clever necklace, I deff. want one!
5. Baby Owl Costume [source] I know by now it has been made fairly clear that I love owls. So of course I love this little costume to pieces!! Know that when I have a little one they will deff. be sporting this!! Ahhh I just love it!! P.S. Are those hands coming from the background not a little creepy?? I know the baby can't stand by itself but still...
6. Nancy Drew Stationary [source] Nancy Drew Mystery's probably got me through my middle school years, and for that I love them to death! Yes, I totally stayed up all through the night with the flashlight trying to find out when Ned was finally going to come help Nancy out of whatever predicament she was in. Now that I think about it, for how intelligent this girl was she sure got into a lot of stupid situations... Anyway, when I saw this stationary I fell in love! What a cute way to use those awesome book cover images! I might even frame some or make some art out of these because Lord knows I am not giving them away!! 7. Leather Camera Purse [source] When I saw this purse I fell in instant love, you may even call it love at first sight. But then I saw the price tag and started telling myself it's OK it probably still lived with it's mother. This pricey ($300) bag is sooo stinking cute! Of course I still want it, but I am going to have to catch this cutie on sale or maybe even get it as a gift!!!
8. JCrew Color Pallet [source] When I saw this picture the first thing that I thought was "What an awesome use of color!" The colors in this outfit are great! And really work well together!! I love love this color pallet and might even try this out sometime soon...
9. Scooter [source] Who doesn't want a scooter?! OK, so like three people just raised their hands, but who cares you probably are not very cool anyway, just kidding!! I really do want this scooter though! I have no idea where I would actually ride it (my streets are not made for such a small vehicle to safely drive down) but that is not discouraging me a bit. I think it is incredibly cute and would like this as a present also because oh sweet Jesus, look at the price tag!!
10. Short Video [source] I found this video while stumbling through blogs yesterday and LOVED it! I believe the girl that created this is French?? We'll, her blog is in French at least. So, I do not understand everything she writes but that does not matter when you have awesome visuals like this!!
Alright, that's it for today!! I am off to help the sister pick out an outfit for the PASSION PIT concert tonight!! Soooooo excited!!