I will always love Forever 21. Yes, I know their clothes are not the highest quality buttttt they deff. are affordable!! I'm not gonna lie, if I could shop at Urban and Anthro with an unlimited amount of money I would do it in a second. But, since that is not really an option of mine right now I will gladly settle for F21 (at least for some fill in pieces). They are usually hit or miss. Sometimes I have to sort through the neon fishnet mini skirts that people should not be allowed to wear out of their bedroom let alone in public to find something decent. So imagine my (delightful) surprise when I left there the other day with two full bags of adorable floral and pastel finds!! They really have some great stuff in stock, I even got a couple of the clothes pictured below... $24.90 $22.80 $15.80 $19.80 $29.80 $24.80 $19.80 $17.80 $27.80 $24.80
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