Hey guys!! I really do enjoy doing these Friday Finds! This week is chalk full of pastels as usual (I did however lay off the florals, thought you could use a break). I haven't been up to anything interesting lately... sorry!! It has been sooooo hot here I really can not wait till Fall/Winter!! I would always rather be cold then hot. I do want to def. try some outfit posts, my photographer (little sister) is out of town right now, but when she gets back I will hopefully have some up! My best friend is coming in town next week so I will probably not have as much time to post but I am sure I will have tons of our adventures to share after she leaves. Anyways, here we go, Friday Finds #9...
1. Wonderful Wedding Dress [source] LOVE this dress!! I always enjoy when brides choose dresses that are not the typical David's Bridal organza gowns. Especially when they are vintage or made by an obscure, unknown, super creative designer. I will probably choose a vintage gown for my wedding. I just really do not like what is out there right now, and if I do they are a gazillion dollars.
2. Vintage Met Dress [source] First let me tell you how much I love the Met... ALOT!! If a young man ever wanted to win my heart he would take me on a date to the Met. Cheesy!! I know!! But I just love being surrounded by all of the gorgeous paintings and works of art. My very first trip I stood in front of a Renoir and went "Oh my goodness, his brush was right there!!!" needless to say my friends did not share my excitement. If this amazing vintage dress exhibit was up then, I don't think my friends would have ever been able to drag me out of there...
3. Cigar Box Pinhole Camera [source] I love pinhole cameras!! I made my very first one out of a shoe box and then developed my film in a real dark room! It was so exciting and so much fun! I learned so much in that art class and decided then, that I would one day be a photographer. This is why I fell in love with these little pinhole creations. What a creative way to make a pinhole camera! Love it!!
4. Beautiful Bridesmaids [source] Back to my comment about wedding dresses... I also appreciate creative bridesmaid dresses, and how stinkin adorable are these?! I believe there is a "cute bridesmaid dress void" that someone needs to fill. Yes, there are some very pretty ones out there, but the price tags are RIDICULOUS. I also don't know how I feel about the macthing/mis-matching debate. I will probably assign a color to my future bridesmaids and let them pick out their own vintage dress in that shade...
5. Paper Sculpture [source] How amazing is this creation?! I love when people make paper creations! I have seen quite a few in the pages of one of my recent Anthropologie catalogs that I am so in love with!! They are just so amazing! One of these days I would like to try making one myself... P.S. Thank you Karman for showing me the amazing blog I found this on!!
6. Wonderland Engagement Shoot [source] Wildflowers Photography has got to be one of my favorites!! Joy is amazing! Not only does she take terrific photo's, but she is so creative. All of her shoots have amazing personal touches that make them different then the typical shoot. This "wonderland shoot" based on the Alice in Wonderland story is sooo cute!
7. Bangs [source] I want bangs so bad!! My little sister has super straight perfect shiny hair and I got the frizzy curly Shirley Temple hair. Life is just not fair! Whenever the Fall/Winter months come around I always try to convince my sister to get bangs so I can pretty much vicariously live through her. Ridiculous! I know! Maybe I will just go crazy and get them one of these days. I guess I would just have to rely on the straightener a lot... Don't know if I like that...
8. Dreamy Dresses [source] I know you have probably seen these pictures everywhere. They are so pretty I just had to be the 100th person to post them. I actually follow the girls blog that took these and she is amazing. I always look forward to her posts. They are usually full of pastels and gorgeous photos. The beautiful clothing in the photo are from her stylist friends show room. Just gorgeous!!
9. Madhatter Necklace [source] Oh my goodness I love this necklace! How creative and cute! I love how it is so delicate and adorable. I could see myself wearing this with a cute little dress and going on a picnic in the park. I am pretty much a sucker for anything Alice in Wonderland themed. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
10. Multi Level Flower Box [source] I am by no means a planter or cultivator. I believe I once tried to grow a potato out of a styrofoam cup in third grade but that def. did not turn out well. I am really not sure if a non successful potato plant should discourage me from planting now, but sadly it has. Anyways, if I was to take up planting I would def. want to try out this amazing level planter.
So one of my very good friends got married last September and I was one of her bridesmaids! Her and her husband are super cute and I love them so much!! She actually has a blog of her own you should check out. They are a really adorable creative couple who had a really adorable creative wedding. It was super colorful and fun and I was so happy to be a part of it. Long story short, The Knot wound up publishing their wedding in the North Carolina Fall/Winter Issue. I know it isn't that big of a deal, butttt my face has been in a magazine and that is so exciting to me! The photography was done by Lydia Jane and to see the entire wedding click HERE.Here are some of the photo's I am in. In this first pic I am second from the right...
This is no longer a want it is a NEED. OK, you got me it isn't... But how incredibly cute is this bag?? I have always loved tapestry bags because they are usually floral, I know you are shocked!! They really are one of my favorite vintage items. I have yet to find one on my thrifting/antiquing adventures, but here's hoping! You can actually find some pretty cheap ones on Etsy, but of course this is not one of them. Am I the only one that falls in love with the most expensive thing I have to pick from?? You would think it was good taste, but I just think it is bad luck. Anyways, I am going to continue the tapestry bag search and hopefully one day I will find one this cute!! To buy this fabulous bag click HERE.
I have been in love with these little necklaces forever! How adorable are they?! I love the look of dried flowers, and what better way to show that love then to wear them?! These necklaces are a great little dainty accessory that would deff. go well with my wardrobe. Joanna has some other great necklaces and accessories in her shop that you should check out. One of these days when I have a little extra cash laying around I will deff. order one!To visit the Just Me Jewelry Shop click HERE.
Can you believe I had too many Friday Finds to pick from this week?? I actually had to cut some, don't worry they will be in next weeks!!! I guess this past week has just been exceptionally inspirational. I have been working A LOT which is great for the bank account (actually not so much I am not exactly making the big bucks yet)but not so great for the creative project to-do-list because, I have no time! Hopefully I will get a schedule shift and have time to work on all the DIY's I have been eager to do. School starts very soon which will make life even more hectic so I'm hoping I will witness a miracle and get some free time before then. Anyways, I have been working on stuff for the shop and the studio and I really do promise to share them soon!! And I was also thinking about sharing some of my outfits, maybe have some "Wore It" posts. I am by no means a model but I really, really enjoy putting creative outfits together. I especially enjoy them because my job (Starbucks) really beats all of the creativity out of getting dressed (we are not even allowed to wear a different color shirt under our polo's). Communist dictatorship much?? Just kidding!! Needless to say I am in all black 80% of the week, so when I get a chance to put an outfit together I really enjoy it! I don't know?? we'll see... until then here is this weeks Friday Finds...
1. Bunting Cake [source] Of course I looove bunting (hence the bunting included in my banner) so when I saw this little cake I fell in instant love! I really enjoy baking and for a while I was on a cake making kick. All of my friends and family got a personal cake until I finally became to busy to do any more. Hopefully I can start making them again because it really is fun!
2. Floral Wallpaper [source] I am really obsessed with wallpaper aren't I?? I guess it is the "want what you can't have" condition. My tan walls will never see the day when wallpaper will be allowed on them but, like I said, when I get my own house it will be wallpapered from top to bottom, head to toe, wall to wall... You know what, I am all talk, I will probably be too scared and indecisive to ever wallpaper my house! But seriously, is this not the cutest floral wallpaper you have ever seen?!
3. Book End Table [source] Umm how amazing is this book table?? I would have never thought to put books together in this way. I really love how it looks! I don't even think it would be too difficult to make one of these on your own. I actually once made a shelf for nicknacks out of old books. I will have to do a DIY post on that one of these days...
4. Sharpie Decorated Basement [source] Wow. This man decorated his entire basement with $10 worth of sharpies. Not only is it a very brave undertaking, but a very difficult one too. I believe he did everything freehand, which means no room for mistakes. It really looks great! The style in which he drew is actually one of my favorite types of illustration. Love it!!
5. Floral Messenger Bag [source] The floral obsession continues... And Cath Kidston is deff. not helping with the recovery. She has THEE best floral merchandise. Even her floral patterns seem to be a step above the rest. It is true, not all florals are created equal. Too bad she is based out of England and the exchange rate is so stinking terrible. Or maybe it is a good thing... for my bank account.
6. Floral Dress [source] This may be my favorite dress of all time. Of course my future wedding dress will top this but, hello, it is supposed too! In the mean time this one will be at the top of the list. I actually found this on Ebay and it says it is from Anthropologie, but I never believe Ebay, although it does look Anthroesque. Can you believe after finding the dress of my dreams it was not in my size!! What a bummer...
7. Floating Vase DIY [source] I love this DIY! How simple and cute. In case you couldn't tell I am very into the simple DIY's. I am only slightly adequate with a hammer and a little above average with the sewing machine. So nice and easy works best for me. Such a nice way to add a little life and color to your wall!
8. Wedding Stop Motion Video
[source] More stop motion! I really need to stop (no pun intended, oh that was bad) I must be driving you guys crazy. But I just LOVE this technique. Hopefully once I make one of my own stop motion videos I will get it out of my system... yeah sureeee I will...
9. Cute Wedding Details [source] I have three major obsessions in this world: 1. owls 2. florals and 3. weddings. It is not that I am in a huge rush to get married, I just really love the whole look and feel of weddings. They are supposed to be the most beautiful, elegant, happy days of anyone's life and I just love the delicate romantic feeling they have. My mom constantly tells me I should go into wedding planning and maybe one of these days I will...This adorable detail would deff. be included in my wedding planning! Uh! I just love it!!
10. Seychelle Flats [source] Seychelles!! These really are precious!! I also adore the color! I feel like they could go with so many outfits I already own. And the great part is they are flats. Sychelles tend to have tons of gorgeous heels, which are of course wonderful, but sometimes killer on the little toes. These flats look completely adorable and completely pain free.
Sign me up, I admit it I have a floral problem. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, right?? Seriously it does not help that every single store has embraced my favorite pattern this season. I love love love this dress! The red and white floral is one of my favorite of all the florals and I loveeee the back. So cute!! This dress goes out of stock so quick! So if you are in love too I suggest you snag one of these ASAP. P.S. I think I have succeeded at the mentioning of the word "floral" way too much in a blog post. Buy this great dress HERE.
This is one of my all time favorite movies! If I had a top ten list this movie would deff. be on it. Hmmm a top ten list, I should make one of those! I loveeee Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall! And so did the cinema, they were paired up quite a bit. Very similar to the "Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy" duo we saw throughout the 50's and 60's. Sadly, Bogart and Bacall didn't have as much success, but this film is deff. one of their best. It is another film noir which really is what most of the old movies I watch are. I just love the drama and suspense!! In this movie Bogart plays a private detective who is hired by Lauren Bacall's father to help investigate the person blackmailing her sister (his other daughter). The road to finding this blackmailer is much more difficult then any of them thought. There are many twists and turns and honestly I had to watch it twice to catch everything. There are shady characters around every corner and a new problem every minute. Bogart does a great job cracking the case and he might have even earned himself a beautiful lady by the end... Even if film noir is not your thing, you have to watch this if only for the amazing outfits! I really wish we still dressed like Lauren Bacall...
Friday finds are back!! Sorry about the lack of them last week!! Here are some adorable finds I managed to squeeze in before leaving for work! Enjoy!!
1. Ruffled Table Cloth [source] Is that not THEE cutest table cloth you have seen in your entire life?? I love it soo much!!
2. Pretty Pastel Shoot [source] I love these dresses!! I want them all!!
3. Colorful Cake [source][source] This reminded me of a Wizard the Oz party that was in my American Girl Magazine way back when. haha Sooo cute I love it!!
4. Porcelain Plate Wallpaper [source] Yes, look again those are not plates hanging on the wall, it's wallpaper!! Seriously cute!!
5. Owl Estate Sale Finds [source] I have a strong feeling that when I die my front yard will look very similar to this! If I had stumbled upon this estate sale I think I may have passed out with excitement!!
6. Plate Hook Display [source] Are plates a theme for this post?! No, just a coincidence promise!! But how creative and beautiful are these?? And very easy to make.
7. Printed Hankerchiefs [source] How cute are theses?! Would be a great present for the bride or groom, don't you think?
8. Pastel Retro Kitchen [source] My dream kitchen!! Oh the pastels!!
9. Mr. Anthropologie [source] Ever wonder who is in charge of finding all of those wonderful things in Anthropologie?? Well, it's this guy! Such an amazing interview! Not gonna lie, i would loveeee his job!
10. Telescope Necklace [source] How cute!! How creative!! I want it!!